Whenever we travel, I always like to visit new cemeteries, especially if there's a findagrave photo request. On this trip to Tampa, I went to one I've wanted to go to for a long time -Il Cimitero Dell'Unione Italiano. There was a time in Tampa when there were almost as many Italian immigrants into Tampa as there were Hispanic immigrants. As is typical of immigrant groups, they banded together for cultural support. This cemetery is a result of that support. I didn't have a request for any photographs, but it was such an intriguing cemetery, and, being part Italian, I couldn't resist it. It is a beautiful place! But it was hot and the mosquitoes were annoying, so after walking almost all of the perimeter, I was ready to head back to the car. But that little voice was at it again - "do the entire perimeter, and walk down this path." Hmmm...I'm hot, sweaty and buggy, but I'll do it. About halfway down the path, I was wondering if the little voice had lost it. Then I found it: a Pellegrino family plot. Howard's step-dad is a Pellegrino. Of course, I have no idea if they are even remotely related, as his Pellegrinos emigrated from Sardinia to New York City.After finding the Pellegrino plot, I was headed back to the car when my eye was caught by an unusual gazebo/obelisk combination. I was so touched when I found that it was a memorial to the military sons of the Italian Union. Glad I sometimes listen to that little voice!
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